Kleenexes are just tissues. Hershey's is just chocolate. Nevertheless, consumers will go out of their way for the brands they love. Period.
An economist would be dumbfounded trying to decipher how a rational consumer would walk right past identically comparable products, and be willing to pay more for exactly the same thing.
The fact of the matter is that as consumers we’re not rational – we’re emotional. We choose certain brands as a statement or reflection of ourselves. We choose brands that we connect with on a personal level. We welcome them into our lives and hold them as close to our hearts as our own family members. (Whether we want to admit it or not)
The powerful connections we share with certain brands are not unlike those we have with people. And therein lies the rub. That relationship is no accident – it’s engineered.
We all have basic human desires. They are baked into our code. By distilling those basic desires, and applying to them a human personality, we can derive a collection of twelve personas known as “Brand Archetypes.” The twelve brand archetypes are a powerful tool for creating a successful brand strategy and marketing plan. By tapping into the power of the 12 brand archetypes, companies can create a strong and recognizable brand identity that resonates with their target audience.
The Innocent: Safety
The Explorer: Freedom
The Sage: Understanding
The Hero: Mastery
The Outlaw: Liberation
The Magician: Power
The Lover: Enjoyment
The Caregiver: Service
The Jester: Enjoyment
The Ruler: Control
The Creator: Innovation
The Everyman: Belonging
By understanding these twelve brand archetypes, companies can create an effective brand strategy and marketing plan that will help them stand out from the competition. By tapping into the power of the archetypes, companies can create a strong and recognizable brand identity that resonates with their target audience.